Loot Crate:
One of the best websites for pop culture (nerd, geeks) collectors is Loot Crate; a monthly subscription service that sends you a box
full of geek-approved merchandise. They not only make cool collectables but also
unique ones that are usually one of a kind.
I like how every box makes me feel like a kid again, opening up a
present full of goodies. I also like the
fact that they are always listening to their fans, so in light of this, I
decided to create a list of what would be my dream crate. To start with, my dream create from Loot
Crate would be one for collectors. They
would not only be items that were cool, but also helpful in our never-ending collection. It would include:

1. A deck of cards; similar to baseball
cards, but instead of players, it would be consoles, sneakers, and toys. For example using video games, imagine opening
up a pack of cards, and each card would have a picture of the game box cover, and on the
back it would have important information like the year it came out, the
designers and other facts.
A journal or book that contains ever single game made. That way, as I collect them I can just check
them off in my journal. This could also
include a journal for Transformers, WWE figures, etc.
Blind bag of mini video game consoles.
Similar to Japanese miniature food.
I would love to display a whole set from Nintendo.
4. A giant puzzle;
one for every game console. For example a
picture of every SNES game released in one puzzle picture.
5. A whole magnetic level from Super Mario Bros. that I could attach to my refrigerator and play with when I’m bored. I would also include levels from SMB 3, MegaMan and Metroid.
Place mats, or dinner mats with maps from various The Legend of Zelda
Last, and probably my most wanted wish of all are adult size pajamas
with retro video game and 80’s cartoon images.
I remember Cousin Balki (Perfect Strangers) and Uncle Joey (Full House)
both wore some back in the day, now I want to be as nerdy as they were.