Saturday, April 7, 2018

Game Genie

If there’s one thing I’m not afraid to admit is that I totally suck at retro video games.  While others may defend the old school style of game difficulty as being normal back then, I argue that it was always a horrible experience for me.  Thankfully the Game Genie was released back in those days, so that terrible players could beat those difficult games.  Unfortunately people used to call them (us) cheaters for using the Game Genie; an attachment device that helps you enable special codes to play original games (for example extra lives, or jump higher).  While I never used one back in the day, I was able to get one this week at my local buy and sell store.
Initially I was excited because I would finally be able to beat those old school games that had haunted me for years.  So when I got home, I cleaned the Game Genie off, and set up my Nintendo console to play games.  In order to enable the Game Genie I had to attach it to a cartridge (my precious cartridge) and physically jam it firmly; then insert it into my NES with the damn thing sticking out half way.  Unfortunately the Game Genie didn’t even work properly; I either got a grey screen or the codes didn’t work.  They either have never worked properly, the chip has expired, and it’s not worth wasting your time trying to fix it (you have to remove the label to unscrew it).  And so I have to firmly warn everyone that you avoid getting this damn Frankenstein monster for your classic consoles.

Game Genie Wiki:

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